Monday, July 27, 2009

Here are some of the things I've done and still want to do.
( I highlighted the ones I've done:)

1. Been to Disneyland.
2. Been to Hawaii
3. Had food poisoning
4. Gone to Paris
5. Owned my own horse stable
6. Sewed anything useful
7. Wrote a book
8. Read the Bible through
9. Owned an ipod
10. Have a brother and a sister
11. Been stung by a bee
12. Had a blog
13. Have an e-mail
14. Met a famous person
15. Gone on an airplane
16. Gone out of state on my own
17. Had home grown veggies
18. Had over $100 at a time
19. Had a name
20. Been in a movie
I'm bummed and excited; this year is the last of everything. It's the last of elementary school, the last of VBS, (oh VBS starts tonight (;) the last of youth camp(next year I'll go to the teen camp!) I'm just glad it's mot the end of Youth Conference!! I can't wait till next year.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A pretty sunset

I love sunsets, especially beach sunsets.
This isn't a beach sunset but is sure is pretty!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th Of July!

I wanted to put a 4th of July video up and well, I found one.
Happy Birthday America!